It’s not you, it’s them

It’s not you, it’s them

It’s not you, it’s them A manager who finds fault in everything you do. A team member who’s abrupt and rude. A colleague who talks over you in meetings. These are just some of the challenges my clients bring to coaching sessions. Perhaps you can add...
Manage less to lead more

Manage less to lead more

Manage less to lead more When I was growing up, in the days when cars were simpler and fathers did their own repairs, I would often find my Dad in our garage at the weekend – bonnet up, lamp in place, fiddling with the engine. Recently, I worked with an...
Not guilty

Not guilty

Not guilty I had quite a bit of feedback on my last post Permission to Pace. This was partly because people identified with feeling fatigued and demotivated, but also because giving themselves permission to take the foot off the pedal is hard. Comments were along the...
Permission to pace

Permission to pace

Permission to pace I took the opportunity of Christmas being “cancelled” to plough on with getting my book ready for the deadline with my editor. After a final push, I despatched the manuscript the Saturday before last. And then I fell off a cliff. Not...
Go out of your mind

Go out of your mind

Go out of your mind How are you? This time of year can be challenging at the best of times as you get back into the swing of things after the Christmas break and hunker down given the short winter days. This year, many of us are also dealing once again with national...