
confidence is never lost, only hiding

confidence is never lost, only hiding

Last year, I went along to a few improvisation classes in Brighton in search of some fun and a creativity boost, drop-in classes designed for all levels including novices like me. I love the silly games and the encouraging atmosphere – in improv, everything goes.

take a deep breath

take a deep breath

Mary, a senior manager, is recently back from maternity leave. She’s juggling a demanding client-facing role with mothering her 18-month old little girl and is, unsurprisingly, battling exhaustion.

are you being too responsible?

are you being too responsible?

On a particularly long car journey recently, I was listening to a TED radio hour podcast and came across an interview with Jane Poynter, a scientist who took part in the Biosphere 2 experiment in the early 1990s.

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