Don’t trust your feelings
I’m not a fan of cold callers at the front door. Aside from not liking being put on the spot, I can’t be sure that the caller is who they say they are. We’ve all heard the stories about doorstep scammers.
Matter over mind
Last year, I took up mountain biking. My favourite destination, a coffee and a firepit in nearby woodland, involves a relentless climb.
Your year, your choice
At a time when I was feeling a bit lost in my late twenties, I used my sparse savings to sign up for a personal development programme.
How generous are you?
Generosity can be a sensitive topic at this time of year given the tricky territory of giving and receiving presents.
Breathe to lead
I recently read an article profiling a TV presenter who had written a book about what had helped her recover from cancer.
Introducing my next book : Change Your State
Don’t be deceived by appearances! By the wonders of graphic design*, I’ve had a book cover superimposed onto a very realistic looking set of paperbacks.
Imagine your way past procrastination
When I started working with George*, she wasn’t in a good place. A senior consultant, she’d had a tough year and was feeling stressed and low in confidence.
Create the conditions
I’ve recently taken up mountain biking because of this man, Phil, and his coffee stand.
Go against the grain
I’m a firm believer that we are all in choice. We have the power to think, feel or do what we want in any given moment.
Even monks get distracted
A while back, I watched the film Walk with me about life at Plum Village, the monastery set up in France by the late Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh.