Turn fear into excitement
Will* came to our coaching session seeking tips for a forthcoming speaking gig. He hated public speaking and was dreading sitting on a panel at a big conference.
Are you reflecting, or ruminating?
I’m currently competing in the tennis club tournament. I’m pleased to say that things are going quite well, but I came out of my last match disappointed in how I’d played, even though my partner and I won.
Things getting heated? Be a calming influence
Emotions are contagious. A couple of months ago, I shared a blog about our emotional state and how, if we’re feeling stressed, the people around us will too.
First things first
What do you do first in the morning? Have some quiet time to reflect and plan your day? Or check your phone and end up being sucked into a vortex of emails?
Get underneath the surface
Many years ago, when I was a manager in corporate, I had a team member who changed from being cheerful and open to sullen and withdrawn.
Doing nothing is really something
Matt* arrived at our coaching session wondering how to get stuff done without feeling rushed all the time.
Surf the urge
Much as I appreciate you reading this post, did you open it intentionally, or did you find yourself clicking into it on impulse?
What state are you in?
I’ve been thinking about state, the phenomenon we often call “state of mind”.
Lessons in curiosity from a naked hiker
One day back in the summer, I was walking up a quiet path in nearby woodland, when I saw something that made me do a double-take.
Care less
I recently listened to a Desert Island Discs episode featuring the late Raymond Briggs, author and illustrator famous for The Snowman.