The year of not keeping on top of everything
You may be wondering if the “not” in the title of this post is an error. Surely trying to keep on top of everything is A Good Thing and perhaps something you want to get even better at in 2022?
Fill up your senses
This morning, as I was waiting for my coffee to brew, I popped out into my back garden. I stood in the sun amongst the foxgloves and listened.
What’s the worst that can happen?
A few weeks back, after a pretty full-on time publishing my book, launching a new programme and doing a website refresh, I decided to take my own medicine.
Impostor syndrome isn’t a disease
Sarah has just being promoted to Director and she comes to our coaching session wanting help with a bad case of Impostor Syndrome.
Watch your speed
A few weeks back, I went on a Speed Awareness Course. My husband and I had been arguing while I was driving on a road trip in the Autumn and, too late, I found I’d passed a speed camera over the limit in a 30mph zone.
Worry less, achieve more
I’ve done it again. I’ve spent way too much time worrying about what I’m going to write about in this week’s blog, worrying whether it’s the “right” topic, worrying that what I’ve written isn’t good enough.
It’s not you, it’s them
A manager who finds fault in everything you do. A team member who’s abrupt and rude. A colleague who talks over you in meetings.
Manage less to lead more
When I was growing up, in the days when cars were simpler and fathers did their own repairs, I would often find my Dad in our garage – bonnet up, lamp in place, fiddling with the engine.
Not guilty
I had quite a bit of feedback on my last post Permission to Pace. This was partly because people identified with feeling fatigued and demotivated, but also because giving themselves permission to take the foot off the pedal is hard.
Permission to pace
I took the opportunity of Christmas being “cancelled” to plough on with getting my book ready for the deadline with my editor. After a final push, I despatched the manuscript the Saturday before last. And then I fell off a cliff.