
Decide to choose

Decide to choose

The other day, I watched a talk by Peter Baines, a former forensic specialist and founder of charity Hands Across the Water, a charity set up to help children in Thailand who lost their families and homes as a result of the tsunami in 2004.

And breathe…

And breathe…

Where is your breath right now? When I ask my coaching clients this, they’re often a bit perplexed. “My nose? My mouth? I’m not sure what you mean.”

Have the courage of your convictions

Have the courage of your convictions

Since they introduced clay courts at our tennis club, it’s much easier to make a line call. If you call the ball out and your opponent disagrees, you can actually go over to the spot where the ball landed and find the mark. Conversation closed.

Befriend reality

Befriend reality

I was really looking forward to our long-planned holiday in Wales last week anticipating lots of fresh air, walking and relaxing. The reality was that I was laid low with a cold (just a cold, not flu, but I don’t do colds lightly), my husband injured his leg on the first day, and the weather was pretty rough.

It’s ok to ask

It’s ok to ask

Covid-19 has meant many of my clients’ hopes and expectations of career progression have been sabotaged, at least for now. Appraisals have been postponed, promotions have been delayed, people that were going to be moving on or taking a sabbatical aren’t going anywhere which has caused bottlenecks.

Don’t just do something, sit there!

Don’t just do something, sit there!

I wish I could say that I invented the title of this blog myself but I came across it at an online session on meditation run by Cambridge Buddhist Centre (one benefit of lockdown is being able to access stuff from my sofa that would normally be out of my reach!)

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