
Attention now

Attention now

I find it really difficult to switch off from work. The fact I work from home alot doesn’t help because it’s not easy to remove myself from my work environment, but the main reason is that I think – and worry – about work when I’m not working.

Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day

I know I’m not alone in having a bumpy start to the year. I’ve been poorly on several fronts in January, culminating in The Ubiquitous Cold, and am just starting to feel better again.

Surface your saboteur

Surface your saboteur

Lately, I’ve been dealing with a severe case of Perfectionism. As I’ve been launching a new coaching programme and webinar, ironically about reclaiming your confidence, Perfectionism has been “making” me spend inordinate amounts of time head down at my desk making sure I have “everything” in place and that “everything” is “right” before I even think about putting anything Out There.

Reclaim control in 2020

Reclaim control in 2020

I used to go to Ceroc classes – it’s a partner dance which fuses lots of different dance styles. There are venues all over the country where you can turn up of an evening and dance with whichever men have also turned up on the night.

Mind your language

Mind your language

The other day, I was playing in a group tennis coaching session. There were 6 of us and, at one point, we were playing 3 against 3, the winning side being the first to get to 21 points. My side started off winning several points in a row but then had a losing streak at which point the coach, Brian, piped up saying we’d “regressed”.

How to worry less

How to worry less

The second webinar of the 4-part series I ran back in the summer, Confidence for Women in Finance, was all about how to build a confident mindset. One participant asked the question, how do you tell the difference between whether you’re worrying, or thinking productively?

Competence needs confidence

Competence needs confidence

I’m not a baker but I do enjoy the annual entertainment that is The Great British Bake-Off . In case you’re not a follower, this year’s winner was not the bookie’s favourite, Steph, winner of Star Baker 4 times in the series, but David.

Feed the positive, starve the negative

Feed the positive, starve the negative

I was recently introduced to the current affairs magazine, Positive News, which reports on the good things that are happening in the world rather than the bad. For example, the latest issue features rewilding in Sussex, a Canadian doctor prescribing money to low-income patients and people who are creating solutions for challenges facing UK society, such as racial and religious intolerance and young people in need.

What’s your Missing Conversation?

What’s your Missing Conversation?

When I’m working 1-1 with professionals, particularly professional women, I often discover a Missing Conversation. For example, there was the finance manager who wanted to know her prospects for promotion yet was afraid to have the conversation with her manager because they might think she was being “pushy”.

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