From stress to calm : How to lead at your best

From stress to calm : How to lead at your best

From stress to calm : How to lead at your best How’s 2025 going so far for you? If you’re like many of my coaching clients, you felt catapulted back to reality after the Christmas break and now, several weeks in, you’re only too familiar with the...
Befriend the unknown

Befriend the unknown

Befriend the unknown Val*, an Operations Director, felt out of control. She and her team had been through a challenging time and she was anxious about what was going to happen next. She shared with me that she was worried that she was going to be thrown a curveball...
Are you present or preoccupied?

Are you present or preoccupied?

Are you present or preoccupied? I read an article over the weekend by a journalist who had taken her husband and teenagers on a digital detox break. She hoped that time without devices would help them get on better – and be less irritable! Smartphones are the...
Drop the baggage

Drop the baggage

Drop the baggage Are you an overpacker or an underpacker? My other half and I often go on UK-based self-catering holidays, our baggage limited only by what we can fit in our car. My classic overpacking item is a bulging bag of worthy, non-fiction books I’ve been...
When you can’t seem to stop

When you can’t seem to stop

When you can’t seem to stop If you read my blog, Being busy is overrated, a couple of weeks ago, you may have thought, “Well that’s all well and good, but how do I stop being busy?” You’re probably aware that your day feels like a race...
Being busy is overrated

Being busy is overrated

Being busy is overrated In her book “The Art of Rest”, author Claudia Hammond shares a super piece of research from Columbia Business School. Participants of the study were asked to assess the social status of a fictional woman called Sally Fisher based on two...