by Alison Reid | Jul 31, 2020 | Leadership
Don’t just do something, sit there! I wish I could say that I invented the title of this blog myself but I came across it at an online session on meditation run by Cambridge Buddhist Centre (one benefit of lockdown is being able to access stuff from my sofa that...
by Alison Reid | Jul 17, 2020 | Leadership
Are you afraid of saying something stupid? One particularly vivid memory I have from school is being in an English class in the final year of the girls’ school I was in – I would have been 15 or 16. Our gloomy English teacher, Mrs Duffy, was asking a...
by Alison Reid | Jul 3, 2020 | Leadership
Don’t take the monkey May I introduce you to Alex. Alex is a finance manager in a tech company. She’s struggling to keep her head above water at the moment as she fields demands from all directions – her boss, her colleagues, her clients, not to...
by Alison Reid | Jun 18, 2020 | Leadership
Listen to your body The other day, I went off-piste. I’d been feeling groggy all week and woke up tired again. However, after I did my usual 20 minute meditation, rather than just going up to my desk as I would usually, I curled up on the sofa with a blanket and...
by Alison Reid | Jun 2, 2020 | Leadership
Be your own No 1 fan When my husband and I first met, he used to joke that he was my “No 1 fan”. He buoyed me up with words of encouragement and celebrated what went well for me. He even came and cheered me on at a tennis match. (He’s still very supportive though, 10...
by Alison Reid | May 13, 2020 | Leadership
Why seeing people isn’t all it’s cracked up to be Are you suffering from the Covid-19 phenomenon of Zoom fatigue? That feeling of, “not another Zoom meeting/quiz/virtual drinks” (delete as appropriate)? According to experts, the reason we find...