Practise possibility

Practise possibility

Practise possibility The other weekend, I was on a creativity course. One of the exercises was in pairs and involved one person talking for 10 minutes about something they wanted to create whilst the other person listened. The “listener” had only two interventions...
Making the most of your time

Making the most of your time

Making the most of your time Last week, I hosted the first of 4 weekly conversations about how to rise above lockdown. One of the challenges that emerged was how to make the most of our time over the coming weeks, and possibly months. Whilst we all have the same...
Resources for resilience

Resources for resilience

Resources for resilience How are you bearing up in these incredibly challenging times? I’m feeling a bit like we’re in a real-life disaster movie, a bad dream that turns out to be reality when you wake up. When I googled movies about killer viruses, it...
Keeping things in perspective

Keeping things in perspective

Keeping things in perspective As the coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, it’s become difficult to distinguish between fact and fear – what is the actual situation and what people are making it out to be.Health experts have said that fear and panic are...
Attention now

Attention now

Attention now I find it really difficult to switch off from work. The fact I work from home alot doesn’t help because it’s not easy to remove myself from my work environment, but the main reason is that I think – and worry – about work when...
Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day I know I’m not alone in having a bumpy start to the year. I’ve been poorly on several fronts and am just starting to see the light again. I’ve found myself getting incredibly frustrated with myself because there have been...