Feed the positive, starve the negative

Feed the positive, starve the negative

Feed the positive, starve the negative I was recently introduced to the current affairs magazine, Positive News, which reports on the good things that are happening in the world rather than the bad. For example, the latest issue features rewilding in Sussex, a...
What’s your Missing Conversation?

What’s your Missing Conversation?

What’s your Missing Conversation? When I’m working 1-1 with professionals, I often discover a Missing Conversation. For example, there was the finance manager who wanted to know her prospects for promotion yet was afraid to have the conversation with her...
Attention out

Attention out

Attention out Sitting in a traffic jam in town the other day, I saw a friend walking past on the pavement close by. I called out to him several times, but he was lost in thought, walking along head down, seemingly unaware of the world around him. Being lost in thought...
Why give meditation a second chance

Why give meditation a second chance

Why give meditation a second chance I’ve been meditating almost daily for over 6 years. Now let me qualify that : I assume the position on the sofa first thing every morning then set InsightTimer for 20 minutes – it marks the start and end of my session and every 5...
Making mistakes means you’re human

Making mistakes means you’re human

Making mistakes means you’re human Last week, a technical issue resulted in me losing almost all registrations for my current webinar series twice in 24 hours. It was bad enough asking people to re-register the first time it happened, but when I needed to ask...
Choose progress over perfection

Choose progress over perfection

Choose progress over perfection Recently, I co-facilitated a leadership programme that I hadn’t delivered before. The programme had already been designed so, after the other facilitator and I had agreed what sessions we were going to lead, it was just a matter...