fear and the case of the missing leader

fear and the case of the missing leader

fear and the case of the missing leader What if I were to tell you that there are leaders missing in your organisation? That there are voices, ideas, opinions and talent that are not showing up? I’m not talking about a headcount issue or a rash of absenteeism....
are you afraid of being found out?

are you afraid of being found out?

are you afraid of being found out? Do you sometimes wonder why people can’t see right through you? That they’re bound to find out sooner or later that you’re only masquerading as a successful professional – you really haven’t got a clue what you’re doing? If so,...
no time to think? how to create headspace

no time to think? how to create headspace

no time to think? how to create headspace Do you find it challenging to create time and space to think? Is your day a whirlwind of emails, meetings, calls and unexpected demands? Do you reach the end of the day not having worked on what matters to you? I work with...
find stillness at Christmas

find stillness at Christmas

find stillness at Christmas “Nothing is so urgent as sitting still” Pico Iyer The good thing about taking a break at Christmas is that it’s virtually the one time in the year when there is almost a universal work hiatus. You can be fairly confident...
what does it take to be an inspiring leader?

what does it take to be an inspiring leader?

what does it take to be an inspiring leader? Is being inspiring a necessary talent to be a successful leader? And, if so, what does it really take to be inspiring? It’s not uncommon for me to come across high-achieving, senior clients who don’t think they...