are you “shoulding” on your career?

are you “shoulding” on your career?

are you “shoulding” on your career? What is your definition of “career”? Many of my career coaching clients have an idea of a career as a linear progression of experiences, one experience building to the next where one can look back and see a...
7 strategies for how you can avoid burn-out

7 strategies for how you can avoid burn-out

7 strategies for how you can avoid burn-out Does your holiday seem a dim and distant memory? Do you feel like you need a break again already? September can feel as much like going back to school for adults as it can for children as everyone piles back into the office...
5 inspiring and thought-provoking reads

5 inspiring and thought-provoking reads

5 inspiring and thought-provoking reads I love buying new books. I use my kindle for fiction, but like hard copy for non-fiction. One of my vices is buying books before I’ve read the ones already on my bookshelf! Favourite categories are personal development,...
take charge of your career progression

take charge of your career progression

take charge of your career progression You want to do the best you can in your career. You want to keep on progressing so that you can make a difference, and earn a decent living. Yet a fog has descended between where you are and where you want to go. Nobody seems to...
what will people say about YOU?

what will people say about YOU?

what will people say about YOU? Tributes to Charles Kennedy, the former Lib Dem leader who sadly passed away earlier this week aged only 55, have been glowing about Kennedy as a leader and a man. Politicians and commentators have called out his “immense...