by Alison Reid | Jul 17, 2023 | Leadership
Go against the grain I’m a firm believer that we are all in choice. We have the power to think, feel or do what we want in any given moment. However, the trouble is that all choices have consequences. For example, I chose not to look at emails at all on my...
by Alison Reid | Jun 19, 2023 | Leadership
Even monks get distracted A while back, I watched the film Walk with me about life at Plum Village, the monastery set up in France by the late Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. An integral part of the Plum Village routine is the sounding of a bell every 15 minutes, which...
by Alison Reid | Jun 5, 2023 | Leadership
Turn fear into excitement Will* came to our coaching session seeking tips for a forthcoming speaking gig. He hated public speaking and was dreading sitting on a panel at a big conference. We started by briefly exploring what past experiences may have led to him...
by Alison Reid | May 16, 2023 | Leadership
Are you reflecting, or ruminating? I’m currently competing in the tennis club tournament. I’m pleased to say that things are going quite well, but I came out of my last match disappointed in how I’d played, even though my partner and I won. My go-to was to beat myself...
by Alison Reid | Apr 24, 2023 | Leadership
Things getting heated? Be a calming influence Emotions are contagious. A couple of months ago, I shared a blog about our emotional state and how, if we’re feeling stressed, the people around us will too. This is particularly important when you’re in a...
by Alison Reid | Apr 10, 2023 | Leadership
First things first What do you do first in the morning? Have some quiet time to reflect and plan your day? Or check your phone and end up being sucked into a vortex of emails? A common challenge my coaching clients bring to our conversations is how to make time to get...