by Alison Reid | Sep 12, 2022 | Leadership
Success is…not keeping on top of everything Jack* approached me for coaching because he’d recently been promoted to Head of Operations and was feeling overwhelmed. He felt bombarded by demands from stakeholders and didn’t know how to navigate their...
by Alison Reid | Aug 30, 2022 | Leadership
The power of being intentional As August turns to September, I’m guessing you’re likely to be sitting in one of two camps. 1. Frazzled – you’ve been working like a trojan through the hot summer keeping on top of your own job as well as covering...
by Alison Reid | Jul 11, 2022 | Leadership
Breathing : your superhighway from stress to calm Where is your breath right now? When I ask my clients this, they’re often perplexed by the question. “My nose? My mouth? I’m not sure what you mean.” If you’re also a bit confused by the...
by Alison Reid | Jun 20, 2022 | Leadership
When people don’t do what you want them to A few years back, my husband and I decided to divvy up particular jobs in the house. One of the jobs Bryan took on was emptying the dishwasher every day, which he did without fail. However, I found myself getting...
by Alison Reid | Jun 1, 2022 | Leadership
The antidote to being reactive As a keen amateur tennis player, I play a lot of doubles. When you and one or both of your opponents are at the net, things can get fast and furious as you volley the ball back and forth. It can be great fun but it can feel like...
by Alison Reid | May 23, 2022 | Leadership
How to handle frustration Frustration is a topic that often comes up with my coaching clients. Either they struggle to contain feelings of frustration and end up having an emotional outburst, or they hold them in. Neither works well for them or for others. For...