by Alison Reid | Feb 11, 2021 | Leadership
Not guilty I had quite a bit of feedback on my last post Permission to Pace. This was partly because people identified with feeling fatigued and demotivated, but also because giving themselves permission to take the foot off the pedal is hard. Comments were along the...
by Alison Reid | Jan 22, 2021 | Leadership
Permission to pace I took the opportunity of Christmas being “cancelled” to plough on with getting my book ready for the deadline with my editor. After a final push, I despatched the manuscript the Saturday before last. And then I fell off a cliff. Not...
by Alison Reid | Jan 11, 2021 | Leadership
Go out of your mind How are you? This time of year can be challenging at the best of times as you get back into the swing of things after the Christmas break and hunker down given the short winter days. This year, many of us are also dealing once again with national...
by Alison Reid | Dec 15, 2020 | Leadership
Not-so-great expectations? A few months ago, I wrote a post called Befriend reality about how holding on to expectations about how things should be, rather than how they are, can cause us unnecessary suffering. As I write this, we’re waiting, at least in the UK,...
by Alison Reid | Nov 27, 2020 | Leadership
Decide to choose The other day, I watched a talk by Peter Baines, a former forensic specialist and founder of charity Hands Across the Water, a charity set up to help children in Thailand who lost their families and homes as a result of the tsunami in 2004. One...
by Alison Reid | Nov 6, 2020 | Leadership
And breathe… Where is your breath right now? When I ask my coaching clients this, they’re often a bit perplexed. “My nose? My mouth? I’m not sure what you mean.” If you’re also a bit confused by my question, here’s another...