Worry less, achieve more
I’ve done it again. I’ve spent way too much time worrying about what I’m going to write about in this week’s blog, worrying whether it’s the “right” topic, worrying that what I’ve written isn’t good enough.
In other words, instead of worrying less and achieving more, I’ve been worrying more and achieving less, which is exactly what I help people not to do. So I decided that’s what I needed to write about!
What would be possible for you if you worried less?
I asked this question in the webinars I ran last month and these were some of the responses :
- Be much more productive
- Have more time to focus on other things
- Be bolder and brave, put myself forward for bigger opportunities
- Think more clearly and be more innovative
- Enjoy life more, be happier, have more fun, sleep better
Who wouldn’t want all of those things? Yet worry and self-doubt can create a lot of mental noise that either delays us taking action or stops us doing anything at all, whether that’s pressing send on an email, sharing an idea or opinion, or changing our job.
I emphasise this isn’t about not achieving.
My guess is that you’ve got to where you are today because you’re good at what you do. Ironically, your inner critic may have driven your success as it’s whispered in your ear that you need to do more, that you’re not good enough.
It’s just that worry and self-doubt are more about what we don’t put out into the world than we do.
It’s a bit like trying to drive with the handbrake on.
There isn’t a magic bullet to help you worry less, but the good news is that you have the power to change how you think, how you feel and how you show up. (You can check out my new book to help you do this or join my new group coaching programme.)
In the meantime, what’s the one thing you could do today to worry less and achieve more?
For my part, I’ve realised I needed to step back and get clarity on what I was trying to achieve and the message I wanted to share. I’ve needed to get perspective on how important this blog is in the scheme of things. And I’ve set myself a time limit for writing it.
As Marcus Aurelius is quoted as saying, “You have power over your mind. Realise this, and you will find strength.”
What about you? Drop me a line at alison@alisonreid.co.uk.
Alison Reid is an experienced executive coach who helps new Directors lead with confidence. She works with them 1-1, empowering them to focus on what matters, communicate with impact and stay calm under pressure so they can lead themselves and others to great results. She's the author of Unleash Your Leadership : How to Worry Less and Achieve More. Download an extract or buy the book.
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